[ Contact Form

  • Monday 07:30 – 19:00
  • Tuesday 07:30 – 18:00
  • Wednesday 07:30 – 19:00
  • Thursday 07:30 – 18:00
  • Friday 07:30 – 13:30

  • Appointments for alternative medicine by arrangement

[ Directions

Address: C3 16, 68159 Mannheim

By car: You will find signposted free parking spaces in the courtyard.

By public transport: the Paradeplatz and the “Schloss” bus stop are a 5-minute walk from our practice.


There are three ways to make an appointment:

Choose the way that suits you best.

  • Prescription
  • Insurance card
  • Towel
  • Findings (if available)
  • Cash/ EC card (payment of prescription fee)

Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before your appointment. If you do not meet this deadline or do not show up without an excuse, you will be charged for the value of the missed treatment.

If you have statutory health insurance and are not exempt from co-payment, you will be charged a prescription fee. This consists of 10% of the value of the prescription plus a practice fee of 10 euros.

Our prices for privately insured persons and self-payers are based on the
fee schedule for therapists (GebüTh). You can enquire about these at any time by telephone.

You can find further information at https://www.privatpreise.de/.

Our address: C316, 68159 Mannheim

By car: you will find signposted free parking spaces in the courtyard.

By public transport: the Paradeplatz and the “Schloss” stop are a 5-minute walk from our physiotherapy practice in Mannheim.

Waiting times do not occur with us, or if they do, they are rare. However, should you have to wait a few minutes for your therapy, you can make yourself comfortable in our waiting area.

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