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Manual therapy” is classically described as a form of treatment that is used for dysfunctions in the area of joints, soft tissues, nerves and capsule-ligament structures. capsule-ligament structures.
The spectrum of complaints is very extensive and varied. To name just a few examples are these:
In our practice in Mannheim, a thorough and holistic anamnesis is the first priority for every form of therapy. Through a detailed conversation and the corresponding functional examination, we get an exact picture of your situation or your problem. The knowledge gained from this, as well as therapy recommendations and strategies for coping with the problem, are then discussed. strategies for coping with/avoiding the problem and, together with your personal goals, are implemented in a therapy plan.
The therapy consists of a combination of active (movement training, metabolic activation, neuromuscular control) and passive measures (e.g. mobilisation of joints, nerve stimulation). Mobilisation of joints, nerve mobilisation, transverse friction). We also always take the current status of the autonomic nervous system both in our diagnosis and in our treatment. our treatment.
If possible, painkillers should not be taken before the therapy in order not to suppress the warning signal of pain. This can otherwise lead to a misinterpretation of the findings and to misguided and exaggerated reactions during or after the treatment. In some cases, an initial worsening can occur after a therapy session, as the body must first react adequately to the stimuli set during the therapy.
If you are covered by statutory health insurance and have received a prescription from your doctor,
your health insurance pays. As a client, you only have to pay the prescription fee at your first appointment. Our prices for privately insured persons and self-payers are based on the fee schedule for therapists (GebüTh). You can enquire about these at any time by telephone. You can find further information at https://www.privatpreise.de/.
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