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Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It serves to activate the body’s self-healing powers by influencing various systems of the organism, for example the autonomic nervous system and the immune system. The pain-relieving effect of acupuncture is the most researched mode of action. This effect is achieved by inhibiting pain-conducting fibres and releasing the body’s own “painkiller” endorphin.
The area in which acupuncture is applied is large. I have specialised in ear acupuncture. specialised. The ear represents all regions of the body, i.e. it can be used to influence for example the gastro-intestinal tract, the spine / joints or the vegetative nervous system. system.
I use ear acupuncture for:
After a detailed anamnesis discussion and the diagnosis of active acupuncture points on the ear, by means of a stylus, between 3-5 needles are placed. The duration of the application is usually between 15 and 30 minutes. In some cases, very active points are given an ear seed after treatment. Ear seeds are small balls that are attached to a plaster and over which you can practise acupressure yourself until the next appointment in order to further support the therapeutic effect.
You should not have an aversion to needles. Acupuncture is usually very well tolerated. After the treatment, fatigue and relaxation are common reactions. An initial worsening can occur in very rare cases. In such a case, please inform me and we will discuss the further procedure.
All treatments are charged according to the fee schedule for alternative practitioners (GebüH) and are considered private services. In some cases, statutory health insurance companies reimburse part of the costs. Please inform yourself in advance about this with your respective insurance company. Private health insurances and supplementary insurances often reimburse the treatment costs, depending on the contractual agreement. However, you should also ask your insurance company in this case.
Anamnesis, diagnostics and therapy planning.
Duration: approx. 1.5h
Costs are determined on this basis pro rata temporis.
Further counselling services (follow-up appointments, telephone calls, preparation of therapy recommendations/adjustments, etc.) will also be charged on a pro rata basis.
Appointments which are not cancelled 24 hours in advance will be invoiced.
Your acupuncture directly in Mannheim
[C3 16]² Practice for physiotherapy, alternative medicine and prevention
Our address:
c3 16,
68159 Mannheim
Tel. 0621 / 43720780
Call us or use our online portal for your appointment with us